An update on East Boro’s integration with Aster Group

It has been a little while since updated you on our integration with Aster Group. In the background there has been a lot of work underway to bring our services closer together for your benefit, and there are a few changes and steps that we wanted to update you on.
As we continue the integration process you may start to hear more from other teams across Aster Group. There may be some new faces to meet with Aster staff providing some of your services. East Boro’s maintenance services will now be provided by Aster and its contractors. In order to let us know about any repairs that need to be carried out, please get in contact with our Contact Centre on 0333 400 8222.
We will be removing the option of making cash payments at our offices/via staff. If you want to continue paying cash, you can do so by paying with a payment card at your nearest Post Office or any other establishments that accept Paypal with a payment card. If you would like to request a payment card please call the Contact Centre on 0333 400 8222. Aside from this change, rents and service charges will continue to be paid in the same way as before.
Changes to how you contact us
We are currently working through changes to direct all your calls to the Aster Contact Centre. This will mean the current phone number (01202 883503) will soon no longer be in use and instead for any enquiries you’ll need to call the Contact Centre on 0333 400 8222. This will enhance the efficiency of the service you receive, ensuring your call is answered promptly and your query responded to accordingly.
The switchover is set to go live from Wednesday 30 October. We won’t be switching off the current phone number straight away, but we do encourage you to start calling the Contact Centre number after this date.
In addition, please note that our new postal address is EBHT, c/o Aster Wiltshire Correspondence Team, Sarsen Court, Horton Avenue, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 2AZ. Please do not send any correspondence to Faulkner House as it may not be picked up.
Getting involved
We regularly engage with customers through a variety of methods and welcome feedback about your experiences and priorities as an Aster customer. This feedback helps us to understand what we do well, and more importantly where we need to improve.
We have more than 1,600 involved customers in our groups. If you’d like to join or to find out more, please get in touch with us at or call us on 0333 400 8255.
We will be in touch with further updates as our integration progresses; in the meantime, if you have any questions then please call our Contact Centre on 0333 400 8222.
Date Posted: Wednesday 30th October 2024 @ 09:08